
You have been invited to become an author on our class website: please follow these steps in order to avoid confusion in the process of becoming an online author.
Step one:
In your email in box you should have recieved a message that reads: "You have been invited to contribute to T.W.E.S.W.E." When you open that email there will be a link that reads:
To contribute to this blog, visit:
Click on this link it will direct you to sign in with a Google account.Using your school email account sign in to set up a new Google Account you should see the following screen: make sure you fill out the entire form (you do not need to enter your actual birthdate or gender)
Create your own user name and enter it in the "Display Name:" part of this form. (submit this username to your teacher so that you can be identified. (DO NOT USE YOUR OWN NAME FOR THSI TO PROTECT YOUR PRIVACY)
After successfully filling out this form you will be directed to the following page. This is your home page where you can enter your blog posts and contribute to the site: